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2023-04-14 04:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


All world countries and data points about them, as well as tools for interfacing with that data.


Install with npm or yarn.

npm install iso-locale-tools yarn add iso-locale-tools Usage

The full JSON array of all world countries and information about them lives in src/data/countries-expanded.json.

Each country is represented as an object.

name common: common name (in English) official: officially recognized name (in English) native: list of names in the country's recognized languages [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code common: common name (in native language) official: officially recognized name (in native language) alternates: array of alternate name spellings flag: unicode string flag cca2: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code cca3: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code ccn3: ISO 3166-1 numeric code ioc: International Olympic Committee code governance isSovereign: whether or not the country is independent (i.e. is self-governing) governingBody: the country that governs the dependency (undefined if isSovereign is true) isUNMember: whether or not the country is a member of the UN (undefined if isSovereign is false) isEU: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the EU isSchengen: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the Schengen Area isEurozone: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a part of the Eurozone, i.e. whether or not they use the Euro currency languages official: an array of officially recognized languages name: common: the name of the language in English native: the name of the language in that language iso639_3: ISO639-3 language code bcp47: BCP47 tag iso14924: ISO15924 script tag iana: array of assigned IANA tags isExtinct: whether or not the language is no longer spoken isSpurious: whether or not the language is spurious, i.e. questioned if it ever existed spoken: list of ISO639-3 language tags of languages spoken in the country, but are not recognized as 'official' languages geography coordinates: numeric coordinates of the center of the country latitude longitude isLandlocked: whether or not the country is landlocked (not bordering the ocean) capitalCity: a list of capital cities landArea: size of the country in km2 region: the region the country is in (e.g. 'americas', 'europe') subregion: the subregion of the country (e.g. carribbean) borderCountries: list of countries by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes that border the country locale ietf: a list of IETF locale codes (e.g. en-US) measurementSystem: system of measurement in use drivingSide: driving side hourClock: type of clock used timezones: list of tz database timezones name: name of timezone type: the type of timezone (primary or alias) linkedTo: (if alias) the primary timezone this timezone links to utcOffset: hours offset from UTC dstOffset: hours offset from UTC during DST (if country doesn't observe DST, this is the same value as UTC offset) dateFormats: date formats for each IETF locale key is the IETF locale name value is the date format, where: G = era y = year M = month d = day weekStartsOn: which day is the first day of the week on the calendar distanceUnit: the unit of distance used (kilometer or mile) temperatureMeasurement: the unit of temperature (celsius or fahrenheit) currencies: list of accepted currencies name: official currency name (in English) shortName: the name of the currency itself (e.g. 'dollar' as opposed to 'US Dollar') iso4217: ISO 4217 code isoNumeric: ISO 4217 numeric code symbol: unicode symbol (e.g. '$') subunit: subunit to whole value (e.g. 'cent') subunitToUnit: number of subunits to reach a whole unit value (e.g. 100 cents = 1 dollar) prefix: symbol that prefixes a currency amount (e.g. '$1') suffix: symbol that suffixes a currency amonut (e.g. '1€') decimalMark: symbol that denotes a decimal place decimalPlaces: number of decimal places rounded to thousansSeparator: symbol to denote thousands separation tld: list of top-level domains used idd: international dialing direct info prefix: geographical code prefix (e.g. +1 for US) suffixes: list of suffixes assigned (e.g. 201 in US) callingCodes: list of calling codes (combinations of the prefix and each suffix - e.g. +1201) subdivisions: list of ISO 3166-2 subdivisions of each country name: name of the subdivision in the country's recognized languages [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code official: official subdivison name common: locally used name variant native: official name in non-alphanumeric script language (e.g. arabic, cyrillic)

There is also a truncated list (src/data/countries.json) that abbreviates and filters out certain data to reduce file size.

Full country list vs. truncated country list

Object countries-expanded.json countries.json languages.official A list of full language objects A list of ISO639-3 language codes currencies A list of full currency objects A list of ISO4217 currency codes locale.timezones A list of full timezone objects A list of tz database timezone names subdivisions A list of subdivision objects undefined

Note: subdivisions is removed from countries.json because for most countries, it's a huge list and many times isn't needed.


This package contains datasets for multiple different things related to world countries. The datasets can be found in src/data/.

import { countriesExpanded, // full countries list countries, // truncated country list currencies, // world currencies list languages, // world languages list timezones, // tz database timezones list } from 'iso-locale-tools' Types

There are several types and enumerators to assist in handling different ISO codes.

Countries // ISO3166-1 alpha2 (cca2) codes enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2 {} ISO3166_1_Alpha2.AX // "AX" // ISO3166-1 alpha2 codes keyed by country name enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry {} ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry.denmark // "DK" // ISO3166-1 alpha3 (cca3) codes enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3 {} ISO3166_1_Alpha3.ALA // "ALA" // ISO3166-1 alpha3 codes keyed by country name enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry {} ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry.denmark // "DNK" // ISO3166 numeric (ccn3) codes enum ISO3166_1_NumericByCountry {} ISO3166_1_NumericByCountry.british_virgin_islands // "092" // ISO3166-2 subdivision codes enum ISO3166_2 {} // ISO3166-2 subdivision codes ISO3166_2.BT_42 // "BT-42" Currency // currency object type type Currency = { name: CurrencyNamesByISO4217 | string shortName: CurrencyNamesByISO4217 iso_4217: ISO4217 symbol: CurrencySymbolsByISO4217 | string subunit: string | null subunitToUnit: number | null prefix: string | null suffix: string | null decimalMark: string | null decimalPlaces: number | null thousandsSeparator: string | null } // ISO4217 currency codes enum ISO4217 {} ISO4217.USD // "USD" // currency names by ISO4217 codes enum CurrencyNamesByISO4217 {} CurrencyNamesByISO4217.USD // "United States Dollar" // currency 'short' names by ISO4217 enum CurrencyShortNamesByISO4217 {} CurrencyShortNamesByISO4217.USD // "dollar" // currency symbols by ISO4217 enum CurrencySymbolsByISO4217 {} CurrencySymbolsByISO4217.USD // "$" Language type Language = { name: { common: string native: string | null alternates?: string[] }, iso639_3: ISO639_3, bcp47: BCP47, iso15924: ISO15924 iana: string[] countries?: ISO3166_1_Alpha2 isExtinct: boolean isSpurious: boolean } // ISO639-3 language codes enum ISO639_3 {} ISO639_3.eng // "eng" // BCP47 language tags enum BCP47 {} BCP47.abq_Cyrl // "abq-Cyrl" // ISO15924 codes enum ISO15924 {} ISO15924.cyrl // Locale type Locale = { ietf: IETF[] drivingSide: DrivingSide | DrivingSides measurementSystem: MeasurementSystem | MeasurementSystems hourClock: HourClock | HourClocks timezones: Timezone[] | TZTimezones[] dateFormats: { [key in IETF]: string } weekStartsOn: WeekStartDay | WeekStartDays distanceUnit: DistanceUnit | DistanceUnits temperatureUnit: TemperatureUnit | TemperatureUnit } // distance unit -- can use either the type or the enum type DistanceUnit = "kilometer" | "mile" enum DistanceUnits { KM = "kilometer", MI = "mile" } // temp unit -- can use either the type or the enum type TemperatureUnit = "celsius" | "fahrenheit" enum TemperatureUnits { C = "celsius", F = "fahrenheit" } // week start day -- can use either the type or the enum type WeekStartDay = "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday" | "monday" enum WeekStartDays { FRIDAY = "friday", SATURDAY = "saturday", SUNDAY = "sunday", MONDAY = "monday" } // driving side -- can use either the type or the enum type DrivingSide = "left" | "right" enum DrivingSides { LEFT = "left", RIGHT = "right" } // measurement system -- can use either the type or the enum type MeasurementSystem = "metric" | "imperial" enum MeasurementSystems { METRIC = "metric", IMPERIAL = "imperial" } // hour clock -- can use either the type or the enum type HourClock = "12hr" | "24hr" | "mixed" enum HourClocks { AM_PM = "12hr", MILITARY = "24hr", MIXED = "mixed" } // timezone object type Timezone = { name: Timezones type: "canonical" | "link" linkedTo: string | null utcOffset: string dstOffset: string } // IETF locale codes enum IETF {} IETF.en_CA // "en-CA" // tz database timezone names enum TZTimezones {} TZTimezones.windhoek // "Africa/Windhoek" Location type Location = { coordinates: Coordinates isLandlocked: boolean borderCountries: ISO3166_1_Alpha3 capitalCity: string[] landArea: number region: Regions subregion: Subregions } // coordinates object type Coordinates = { latitude: number longitude: number } // regions enum Regions {} Regions.oceania // "oceania" // subregions enum Subregions {} Subregions.australia_new_zealand // "Australia and New Zealand" Utils Countries countryNameToKey(name: string): CountryKey: gets the country name key for a country by it's common name (name.common) removeDiacritics(str: string): string: Removes diacritics (accented characters, etc.) from a string import { countryNameToKey, removeDiacritics } from 'iso-locale-tools' const countryKey = countryNameToKey("Svalbard and Jan Mayen") // returns `svalbard_jan_mayen` const cca2 = ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry[countryKey] // equivalent to ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry.svalbard_jan_mayen const aland = removeDiacritics("Åland Islands") // returns "Aland Islands" Currency getConversionRate({ from, to }: { from: ISO4217, to: ISO4217 }): number | Error: returns the conversion rate between 2 currencies, returns an error if one encountered. This function utilizes the free version of the currconv api. import { getConversionRate, ISO4217 } from 'iso-locale-tools' const conversionRate = getConversionRate({ from: ISO4217.USD, to: ISO4217.EUR }) // returns the conversion rate from the us dollar to euro Locale convertDistance(distance: number, fromUnit: "kilometer" | "mile"): number: converts a distance from a given unit to the opposite unit getDateFnsLocale(locale: IETF, { fallbackLocale }: { fallbackLocale: DateFnsLocale }): DateFnsLocale: returns a date-fns locale object. if a direct match is not found, it'll try to detect the closest locale, otherwise it uses a fallback. the default fallback is en-US. getDatePatternForLocale(locale: IETF): gets the date format pattern (e.g. 'yyyy-MM-dd') for a given locale getDateTimeForTimezone({ date, dateTimeFormat, timezone, serverTimezone }: { date?: Date | number | string, dateTimeFormat: string, timezone: TZTimezone, serverTimezone?: TZTimezone }): Date: returns a date formatted and converted to a given timezone. if date is not provided, it fallsback to serverTimezone is the timezone to compare against, if necessary (fallback is UTC). import { convertDistance, getDateFnsLocale, getDatePatternForLocale, getDateTimeForTimezone } from 'iso-locale-tools' const distance = convertDistance(2, "kilometer") // returns 1.242742 (miles) const dateFnsLocaleDirect = getDateFnsLocale("en-AU") // returns the en-AU locale const dateFnsLocaleClosest = getDateFnsLocale("es-PY") // there is no 'es-PY' locale, so this will return the es locale const dateFnsLocaleFallback = getDateFnsLocale("aay") // there is no 'aay' locale or a closest match, so this will return the 'en-US' default fallback locale const dateFnsLocaleFallbackCustom = getDateFnsLocale("aay", { fallbackLocale: "en-CA" }) // will return en-CA as a fallback const datePattern = getDatePatternForLocale("nl-AW") // returns "dd-MM-yyyy" const dateTimeInTimezone = getDateTimeForTimezone({ date: 1636911831222, dateTimeFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm", timezone: "Africa/Windhoek", }) // returns "14-11-2021 19:44" Location bearingToDirection(bearing: number): Directions | undefined: converts a bearing (in degrees) to a given cardinal direction getCenterOfCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinates[]): Coordinates: finds the direct center of a group of coordinates getRhumbLine(fromLongitude: number, toLongitude: number): number: gets a rhumb line between 2 longitudes geographicDistanceTo({ from, to, unit, useRhumbLine }: { from: Coordinates, to: Coordinates, unit: DistanceUnit, useRhumbLine?: boolean }): number: get the great-circle distance between 2 points (using haversine formula). set useRhumbLine to true to get the distance between 2 points using a rhumb line. bearingDistanceTo({ from, to, useRhumbLine }: { from: Coordinates, to: Coordinates, useRhumbLine?: boolean }): { initialBearing: number, finalBearing: number}): returns the initial bearing from start point to destination point, and the final bearing which differs by varying degrees according to the lat/long. set useRhumbLine to true to get the bearings over a rhumb line. import { bearingToDirection, getCenterOfCoordinates, getRhumbLine, geographicDistanceTo, bearingDistanceTo } from 'iso-locale-tools' const direction = bearingToDirection(261) // returns 'WNW' const location1 = { latitude: 12.5, longitude: -69.9 } const location2 = { latitude: 52.5, longitude: 5.75 } const center = getCenterOfCoordinates([ location1, location2 ]) // returns { latitude: 38.44160133305245, longitude: -42.280221828555504 } const rhumbLine = getRhumbLine(location1.longitude, location2.longitude) // returns 1.3203415791337105 const distance = geographicDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, unit: "mile" }) // returns 12792.535602738117 const distanceUsingRhumbLine = geographicDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, unit: "kilometer", useRhumbLine: true }) // returns 8156.327629644782 const bearing = bearingDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2 }) // returns { initialBearing: 51.51700060782139, finalBearing: 231.5170006078214 } const bearingUsingRhumbLine = const bearing = bearingDistanceTo({ from: location1, to: location2, useRhumbLine: true }) // returns { initialBearing: 56.90674499795489, finalBearing: 236.9067449979549 } Acknowledgements




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